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Read up for news, tips and tricks about budgeting, planning and forecasting.

Budgeting Process Business Budgeting Corporate Budget Planning Corporate Performance Management Optimizing Business Performance Strategic Budgeting True Sky

Simplify your Budgeting Process with Design

When you are designing a template or entry form, you want it to be easy to use. And that starts with the initial impression. In general: Do not show 1,000 columns or 1,000 rows in a spreadsheet. Hide fields and use filters to simplify the workbook. In the right templates,…

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Budgeting Budgeting and Forecasting Budgeting Process Business Analytics Business Budgeting Data Analysis Data Cleanup Data Visualization Forecasting and Planning True Sky

Here’s Why You Need a Budgeting Software Solution

Tell us if this sounds familiar: you set a goal of finalizing your budget within eight weeks. But seven of those eight weeks are spent collecting data and inputting numbers into a spreadsheet, tracking changes from other staff, merging documents, catching small errors, and generally giving you one large, administrative headache.​ By…

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Budgeting and Forecasting Business Budgets Optimizing Business Performance

What You Need to Get Your Budget Started

First and foremost, you must understand your requirements and resources –which includes your current IT infrastructure, available budget, and human resources. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of your existing processes. Consider: What workflow problems do you encounter? What pain points do you wish could be addressed? What elements in your…

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